Q: How do I join ASCE?
A: Contact ASCE National and check on your dues status.

Q: I’m not getting the announcements. What should I do?
A: Contact the secretary listed on the Executive Board page. The secretary will send you either the requested paper copy or email flyer.

Q: How do I get involved in a Group or Committee?
A: Contact one of the officers to join a Group or Committee. There are many activities or functions you can participate in to help make each event a success. We like group efforts! Suggestions are always welcome.

Q: How do I become an officer?
A: Notify an existing officer, and they will help plan your path!

Q: If I call to come to the meeting after the flyer deadline, can I still participate in the event?
A: Usually, yes, though we often have the deadline four days prior to the event to give our caterers and meeting hosts a proper head count. We greatly appreciate those of you have been timely in your responses!

Q: How can I get my professional development hours (PDH) certificate for attending a chapter meeting?
A: Since our meetings count towards professional development hours requirements by many professional boards, attendees may request a certificate showing professional development hours earned for their attendance. Please contact a technical group chair to request a certificate.  Certificates are typically available at each meeting.

Q: How do I advertise with the Illinois Section of ASCE?
A: For information on advertising with the Illinois Section of ASCE, click here.
