P. Kay Whitlock, PE, BC.WRE, F.ASCE
Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. | Vice President
What is your current or most recent position held on the Illinois Section board?
My most recent board position was Past President in 2009-2010. Since then, I have contributed to the Infrastructure Report Card with participation in the preparation and review of the Navigable Waters sections of the report.
What ASCE positions have you held in the past, including any technical groups and committees?
- Task Committee on Certification for Water Resource Engineers, ASCE National (2003 –2004)
- This led to the establishment of the post-licensure certification of Civil Engineers through the creation of the American Academy of Water Resource Engineers
- Committee on Global Principles for Professional Practice, ASCE International (2004 – 2005)
- Task Committee on Flood Safety Policies & Practices, ASCE National (2012)
- Task Committee on Life Members, ASCE National (2021 – 2022)
Are there any other professional associations or organizations that you have been involved with?
- Illinois Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management, Chair of Legislative Committee (2002 – Present)
- ASCE’s American Academy of Water Resource Engineers, Board of Trustees (2004 – 2011), Past-President; Admissions Committee (2014)
- Chicago Engineers Foundation, Board of Directors (2018 – 2022)
- Water Science and Technology Board of the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine (2017 – 2021)
- University of Illinois, Prairie Research Institute Advisory Board (2008 – present); Co-Chair of the Advisory Board (2014 – Present)
- Governor’s Appointee to the ‘Engineer’ Position on the Illinois Board of Natural Resources and Conservation (2004 – 2009)
What has been your most rewarding moment or contribution to the Civil Engineering profession?
Civil Engineers perform the most rewarding work imaginable, and I have always believed that it is important to share the richness of our work and ‘pay it forward’ to others. For me this has included personal efforts to (1) encourage young people who are under-represented in Civil Engineering to consider engineering as a profession and (2) address social issues – my personal passion is to work to end homelessness. These personal passions led to my most rewarding career moment: being honored as the 2020 Citizen Engineer of the Year by the Illinois Section.
What is your favorite thing to do in your free time, when you’re not working or volunteering for ASCE and other organizations?
- Live theater – primarily drama. I can never get too much theater and the Chicago region is so rich in theater companies of all sizes from the tiny independent storefronts to the nationally recognized companies. I love them all. I share my life with a playwright/writer.
- Live classical music, such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. In 2024, my husband and I traveled to Vienna and Berlin for music performances.
What is one piece of advice you would give to Student or Younger Members as they start their careers in civil engineering?
Find an activity that benefits others; it will help you keep the richness of your life and career in perspective. I say: “If you’re working with formerly homeless citizens, it’s really hard to take yourself too seriously.”
Kay manages multi-disciplinary water resource projects for Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL), a full service civil engineering firm specializing in municipal, water resources, traffic, construction, environmental, and mechanical engineering with multiple offices in Illinois and Indiana. Ms. Whitlock has more than 50 years of experience in the areas of water resource management, stormwater management, flood control, water and natural resource engineering, federal, state and local funding, and legislative testimony for project authorizations. Ms. Whitlock was the water resources lead for the Master Civil Engineer team for the O’Hare Modernization Program (OMP) from 2003-2019. Until very recently, she directly managed CBBEL’s contracts for drainage and water / wet utilities for the O’Hare International Airport. Kay’s primary efforts currently focus on business development, client and government relations and mentoring engineers and scientists. Prior to consulting civil engineering, Ms. Whitlock served at a number of public water resource agencies, including the Santa Clara Valley Water District, DuPage County, Illinois and the Illinois Division of Water Resources. Kay currently serves as the Legislative Chair for the Illinois Association of Stormwater and Floodplain Management. She has made presentations on Water Resources Engineering throughout the United States and around the world, including China and Lebanon; and has been recruited multiple times through the years to speak on Professional Ethics in Engineering. Ms. Whitlock earned her B.S. degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and her M.A from the University of Illinois, Springfield and is a graduate of University of Mississippi’s Management Training Institute. She is a Registered Professional Engineer in Illinois and a Board-Certified Water Resources Engineer.
If you know someone from within the Illinois Section that you feel is deserving of the spotlight, please send any suggestions to Tom Borges, Membership Chair, at tborges@bloomcos.com.