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IL Section ASCE Geo-Institute November Dinner Meeting

Pazzo's at 311 311 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, United States

The Chicago ASCE Geo-Institute is very excited to welcome Dr. Kyle Rollins, the Geo-Institute Cross-USA Lecturer for 2023-2024, to Chicago on November 8, 2023.  Please join us for this special event. Register here: Event Flyer

IL Section ASCE & Technical Groups 2023 Holiday Party

Haymarket Pub & Brewing 737 W Randolph St., Chicago, IL, United States

Please bring an unwrapped gift for Toys for Tots. Beer, wine, and heavy appetizers will be served. Event Flyer Cost: $60 per person $25 Student Member $250 Sponsorship (includes 2 tickets to event) Click here to register (

IL Section ASCE Geo-Institute February Dinner Meeting

Pazzo's at 311 311 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, United States

Topic:  2023 Kahramanmaras, Türkiye Earthquake Sequence: An Overview of the Ground Reconnaissance, Evaluation of Seismic Building Settlements, and Large-scale Landslide near Türkiye – Syria Border 5:15pm (Cocktails) 6:15pm (Dinner) Presentation to follow Speakers: Dr. Tugce Baser, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Dr. Ozgun Numanoglu, Schnabel Engineering Cost: $65 General (Contractor, Consultant with reservation) $55 Education/Government Employees...

IL Section ASCE GI & EWRI April Dinner Meting – MMSD’s Dredged Material Management Facility

Pazzo's at 311 311 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, United States

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and Ramboll will present on MMSD's Dredged Material Management Facility.  Please join us for this unique, cross-disciplinary presentation! Cost: Consultant/Contractor $70 Educator/Government $60 Student $25 Please view the Event Flyer for more information and links to register.

2024 Chicago Geotechnical Lecture Series – Lessons in Underground Construction

UIC-Student Center 750 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL, United States

We're excited to announce our lineup for the 2024 Lecture Series.  Please see the revised attached flyer, which includes information on the seminar, updated registration links, and abstracts/bios for each of our distinguished speakers.  We're also excited to announce that the Lecture Series is headed back to its roots at UIC, where we will be hosted by Prof. Reddy and...

IL Section ASCE Award Application Deadline Extended

The Illinois Section of ASCE needs your help in identifying and recognizing qualified individuals, projects, firms, and agencies for their contributions to civil engineering and our Society. Award winners will be acknowledged during our Annual Awards Dinner taking place in October. Click here to view our past award winners.   Information on award requirements, nomination forms,...

IL Section ASCE CI/GI/EWRI IDOT Pump Station No. 4

Harry Caray's Italian Steakhouse-Lombard 70 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL, United States

Come learn about the stormwater pumping station alongside the Eisenhower Expressway and Des Plaines River! IDOT engineers, as well as representatives from IHC Companies, will present the challenges and successes of this massive and unique project. Cost: Professional $75 Government $65 Student $35 Gold Sponsor (includes 4 tickets) $350 Silver Sponsor (includes 2 tickets) $200...

2024 Annual Awards Dinner

Intercontinental Chicago Magnificent Mile 505 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, United States

The Illinois Section of ASCE cordially invites you and your guests to join us for our annual engineering awards dinner. Please join us for a memorable evening of networking, dinner and presentation of the 2023 award recipients.

IL Section Geo-Institute October Dinner Meeting – Micropile Underpinning of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Cooling Tower

Pazzo's at 311 311 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, United States

Our distinguished guests, Terry Holman, PhD, PE, and Nathan Holmer, PE, SE from Geosyntec Consultants, will be presenting on the Micropile Underpinning of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Cooling Tower in Toledo, Ohio. Please click on the flyer link below for more information.   Please register using the appropriate link below: Professionals (Consultant/Contractors) Educator/Government Employees Student...

IL Section ASCE GI Happy Hour

Goose Island Salt Shed Pub 1221 W. Blackhawk St., Chicago, IL, United States

Time: 5:15pm Place: Goose Island Salt Shed Pub (1221 W Blackhawk St. Chicago, IL 60642) We are excited to announce that our Geo Institute Chapter will host a happy hour event at the Goose Island Salt Shed Pub on Wednesday, November 13, 2024 starting at 5:15PM This will be a fantastic opportunity to come out,...

IL Section ASCE, Technical Institutes, and Younger Member Group Holiday Party

Haymarket Pub & Brewing 737 W Randolph St., Chicago, IL, United States

Place: Haymarket Pub & Brewery (737 W Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60661) Price - $75 per person / $25 per student $300 sponsorship (Includes 2 Tickets & Advertisement at the Event and on Social Media) Register HERE by December 5th.   Holiday Attire Encouraged! Please bring unwrapped gift for Toys for Tots. Open bar and...

IL Section ASCE GI/AEG Dinner Event – Geotechnical Construction Challenges of the North Portland Junction

Pazzo's at 311 311 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, United States

Time: Cocktails 5:15 pm, Dinner 6:15 pm, Presentation to follow   Place: Pazzo’s • 311 S Wacker Dr., Chicago, IL 60606 (Parking is located south of the 311 building - $13.00 after 5:00PM)   Speaker: Jason Buenker, PhD, PE, GE - shannon & Wilson   Cost: $65 General (Contractor, Consultant with reservation) $55 Education/Government Employees...